Wednesday, August 12, 2009

end of censorship

censorship is valid in India. many publications have faced the music- books, plays, movies, blogs and television programmes. as India changes and we become more sensitive to the concerns of different sections of society, all forms of expression will come under increased scrutiny.
one will find it almost impossible to air views on social and cultural issues. the thin line between what is right and wrong will start overlapping under the pressure of interest groups. take 'lajja' for example. if an author wants to put light on the atrocities indulged in by a particular section in society it could be construed as being anti-religion and banned. same is the case with 'final solution' which would be seen as painting the majority community with the communal brush and thus appropriate for ban.
what seems to be the problem is the lack of acceptance of criticism by the individuals in society. every act, every belief and every individual should come under spotlight. it is only through a process of questioning and change will the individual, society and nation progress. what is accepted as right and ultimate has to pass the test of time and if found wanting must be replaced by new ideas and beliefs. this is one lesson we can see from the history of human civilization.


  1. But wouldn't censorship be in conflict to the Fundamental right to Freedom of Expression? As for the sensibilities of the masses- do we believe that they are immature even after 62 years of India's Independence? I'd say that they can choose what the see fit to consume. And censorship in India in the present context is so much more biased towards the more influential in the various industries. So, what then is the use of censorship at all?

  2. hi arpita, that is precisely my point. once you accept the idea that some things need to be censored, that opens up a pandora's box. take the example of the sikh community spokesperson who feels that every movie that has a character representing the community to be previewed and passed in addition to the censor board doing it. there will be no limit to the restriction on expression. regards naresh rao

  3. Hmmm... I think I understand it this way... The censor board in not to only cut things out. It is also about not violating the rights and sentiments of the subjects spoken about by demeaning portrayal of them. But when one talks about a sikh person, it need necessarily be the depiction of the entire populace. It could rather be talking about only that specific person, and the goodness and the badness shown could be only at a very individualistic level.
